Resume Writing 101, Class #1
Resumes are Important and a document you should MANAGE for your entire career!
Nothing surprises me anymore! I have seen stellar resumes from people with little experience and a high school diploma and the worst resumes imaginable from candidates with 20 years’ experience holding a PHD. What do you think a resume is worth? About a million buck! Think I’m kidding, in a seminar I give to College students on Career Management I can effectively lay out a scenario where if you “manage your career well” and follow thru with your career objective that over time you get better jobs, get promoted more often and on average earn $25,000 more per year over your career. Most people work for 45 years of their life. The math is pretty simple, that’s over a million schmackers (as my grand pappy used to say), and it all has to start with a resume! 1 to 2 pages of text that most people spend less that a couple hours on. I know with certainty that the better the resume the better the chance of an effective Job Search, like most things the more you put into it the more you will get out of it. Start here:
OK, this is a good start. If you are not finding a template that you like, send me an email at and I will send you one that has proven to be very effective for many of my candidates and clients. If you are interested in the Career Management seminar I offer, you can shoot me an email on that as well.
*Bonus tip* Especially for you Ladies, in today’s online world, you never know who is forwarding your resume to who or what system is getting hacked etc. There is no reason to put your street address on your resume. Nobody need to know exactly where you live, most hiring managers just want to know that you are within a commutable distance of their office. So, the city or suburb name and a zip code easily tells them if you are in the right geography for the job.
Class #2 coming soon!