Magdalen College

Magdalen College of the Liberal Arts calls her students to a transformative liberal education of the whole person.

This education is ordered to human flourishing and communion, animated by the perennial questions, given shape by the classic books, and nourished by a vibrant liturgical and sacramental culture.

Joyfully Catholic in this ascent toward true freedom and a vision of the Good, Magdalen College calls all within her community to enter the great conversation of authors seeking wisdom that has unfolded across the ages, cultivating a life of virtue, poetic imagination, service, and life-giving fidelity.

Magdalen College offers a liberal education for greatness.  This may be a public greatness that human history will mark within its records or the quiet, hidden greatness that sustains families, societies, and the world, just beyond the vision of others.   This greatness gives form to a life transformed, one in which students find true freedom, joy, and the wisdom that transcends our age.

Through its deep integration of liberal education and the Catholic faith within a joyful community, Magdalen College offers students the opportunity to pursue wisdom in a spirit of friendship, animated by a communion of faith, bringing the intellect and imagination to their full realization.  Our community is unlike any other.

At Magdalen College we educate our students not only for the lives they will live immediately following graduation, but also for the lives they will live two decades later.  When our graduates step into the leadership of public, private, and ecclesial institutions, or lead quietly in the private spheres of life, they will be taking up the reigns that will shape and sustain society and the Church through the next generations.

It is for these high and heroic callings that we educate.

The vision of liberal education that animates Magdalen College is irreducible to one of its aspects.  It is a complex reality embodied by its students and its teachers over a lifetime, a reality in which the whole is always greater than its parts and in which the human longing for transcendence finds its voice.

We invite you to explore our website to discover the extraordinary education we offer.