
weDignify envisions college campuses and Midwest communities to be centers for a culture of life where people treat life with love, new life is welcomed with joy, and people suffering from abortion are led to healing hope.

We mentor college students into skilled, virtuous, pro-life leaders, so they can build and nurture a culture of life on campus and in their future communities.

By forming students and leading the movement, weDignify changes hearts and saves lives!

Form Students: Through 1 on 1 mentoring and small group education, weDignify transforms college students into skilled, virtuous, pro-life leaders, so they can build and nurture a culture of life on campus and in their future communities.

Lead the Movement: weDignify leads the Illinois March for Life, the largest pro-life event in the Midwest. In unifying many, the Illinois March for Life inspires thousands, guides marchers to pro-life advocacy, and boldly stands up for life.

Why the Yellow Umbrella?

Like rain, abortion pours down on lives around us. We extend an umbrella to protect life at each step of the journey. The umbrella covers both the mother and child for we love them both. We carry yellow, so all may see our joy for life. Pointing forward, we move out of the tragedy of abortion and into a future of hope.