In a world where morality is subjective, children are left to their own devices, and the divorce rate is above sixty percent, it is time for a new way. Guided by the teachings of the Catholic Church, Our Lady's Ranch has dedicated the last twenty-five years to a homesteading lifestyle that brings healing and restoration to families... Now it is time to share our experiences with you.
To live in peace and share it with others
To live in Harmony with God, Nature, and One AnotherCHARISM
To live as Family
To live and move and have our being in Jesus Christ
To Support one another in trials and difficulties
To serve one another as Christ serves us
To help each other grow in holiness
To help others grow in holiness
Philip Zeiter experienced a powerful re-conversion to the Catholic faith after hitting an all-time low immersed in the pleasures of the world. A few years later, his wife Alicia (now deceased), experienced a conversion of her own, so they decided to raise their children differently than what the culture demanded. In 2000, they bought a 173-acre ranch in Northern California with the intention of building a retreat site where their children could grow up with prayer, homeschooling, farming, fellowship, and recreation.
“Everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life.” (Matt. 19:29)
We have several open positions and are excited to welcome new people to our community! Please check out our open jobs and we look forward to hearing from you.