
Legatus is the only organization in the world designed exclusively for top-ranking Catholic business leaders and their spouses. The Legatus concept is simple. It brings together three of the most valuable areas of a business leader’s life – faith, family and business – in a powerful and rewarding way. This organization is the conduit connecting two powerful realities: the challenge of top-tier business leadership and a religious tradition second to none. As a practicing Catholic, you can set the benchmark to enact the golden rule in the daily lives of your employees, customers and suppliers. They deserve nothing less. Legatus, Latin for “ambassador,” exists to help you meet the challenge of balancing responsibilities of faith, family, business and community.

Our Mission… To study, live and spread the Catholic faith in our business, professional and personal lives. Our Local chapters meet monthly for dynamic events that are both empowering and enjoyable. Time with peers provides the opportunity to share insights and benefit from one another’s experiences and perspectives. Each event begins with Mass and the opportunity for confession and the rosary. This is followed by socializing, fine dining, and an inspiring presentation from a variety of thought-provoking speakers.