The Evangelical Catholic (EC) launched in the early 90's and incorporated in December 1998 to help Catholic ministries and individuals embody their true evangelical identity.
The EC grew as university students, professors, and pastoral staff took our methods nationwide. We have consulting contracts with ministries in 23 states.
The Evangelical Catholic inspires, trains, and supports leaders to launch and drive dynamic movements of evangelization in their communities. Through contractual relationships with parishes, Catholic campus ministries, and local organizations, EC staff provide personalized consulting services and robust resources to launch movements of evangelization driven by deeply evangelized lay leaders.
We are coaches for Christ. Any athlete can describe the difference it makes when an expert assesses your fitness, tailors workouts to advance your ability, and encourages you to reach new goals.
EC coaches help ministries identify and address the barriers they face, from staff availability to lack of a strong strategic vision. Drawing from our decades of experience in discipleship formation for evangelization, we provide practical solutions and help ministry leaders implement them.
Teaching the Hungry to Fish
Not only do we train your staff, we help you train your staff and laity. You learn how to drive and sustain a multiplying cycle of calling and sending missionary disciples. Through the grace of the Holy Spirit, these faithful believers become people who can engage and form new believers and disciples, able to live the “essential mission of the Church” every day of their lives (Evangelii Nuntiandi, 14).