Assumption Catholic School

  • Wisconsin Rapids, WI, USA

Assumption Catholic Schools seeks to inspire excellence and personal growth for our students academically, spiritually, and socially. Caring and innovative teachers provide challenging academic programs supported by current technology. Student learning is enhanced through our fine arts programs, athletics, service projects, and campus ministry. In ACS, parents are welcomed and encouraged to be fully involved in the educational experience of their children.

As a Catholic school, we believe that faith and reason are compatible with each other. Everything we do is centered on ensuring the students who graduate from Assumption Catholic Schools are fully prepared to be contributing members of the 21st century society and are equipped to continue to grow their faith and knowledge throughout their lives.



The Principles of Catholic Identity in Education articulates elements the Church expects to find in all Catholic schools and which distinguish them from other schools. The disciples are derived from Church documents related to education, including the documents of Vatican II, documents from the Vatican Congregation for Catholic Education, and the writings of various Popes. As a school system, these principles are embedded in our daily lives. The five principles are:

 Inspired by Divine Mission

Models Christian Communion

Encounters Christ in Prayer, Scripture, and Sacraments

Integrally Forms the Human Person

Imparts a Christian Understanding of the World