St. Thomas More Academy was founded to provide an outstanding and affordable Catholic college preparatory education for Raleigh and its surrounding areas.
Saint Thomas More Academy has a sincere commitment to providing young men and women with the finest human, spiritual, intellectual, and leadership formation, based in the robust traditions of the Catholic faith.
St. Thomas More Academy offers a world-class liberal arts core curriculum, which properly grounds our students by teaching them how to think deeply and articulate their thoughts clearly. Our program seeks nothing less than to give glory to God by producing graduates who will serve the world as models of authentic Christian leadership.
At St. Thomas More Academy our Catholic character will always be as joyful, rich, and integral as our patron’s. Human, spiritual, intellectual and leadership formation in the Academy is ordered to Christian love and excellence. Here the meekest are comfortable and even the most gifted are challenged. Wisdom is constantly nurtured and grown “as from a seed.” Cooperating in both studies and real world service, students embrace love as the rule of the school and an authentic life in Christ.
At St. Thomas More Academy “classical” is not antiquated. The ideas of the great traditions are fresh and alive, and our way of teaching them is too. Our learning environment is personal, our instruction engaging, and our curriculum deep. Through close mentoring in preparatory courses that prize truth, we inspire students to become people who think and act with real excellence in their time. “Classical,” for us, is cutting edge.
At St. Thomas More Academy we empower every student to succeed in post-secondary studies. We mentor each student to his or her best potentials and offer dedicated college placement support. Every year our graduates earn admission to some of the nation’s finest colleges and universities. We continue to seed the world of higher education with well-formed Christian leaders who are agents of positive cultural change.