Our Lady of Ransom Catholic Church envisions a fruitful communion of missionary disciples who are both bold in living out the freeing power of the Gospel, and zealous in proclaiming the ransom won through Jesus to their families, workplaces, and community.
This communion is directed towards accompanying believers in their growth in holiness, empowering them to serve from their charisms, and entrusting them with transforming the world through the proclamation of the Risen Jesus.
The mission of Our Lady of Ransom Catholic Church has been given to her through Jesus Christ: “Go make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit; teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” (Mt 28:19) As the local manifestation in Niles, Illinois of the universal Church, we will serve this mission by ….
… offering a place that encourages receptivity to the grace of conversion through radical hospitality, prioritizing an encounter with Jesus, and active yielding to the Holy Spirit;
… nourishing missionary disciples with catechesis faithful to the Magisterium, formation in a life of prayer and scripture, and beautiful and sacred liturgical celebrations;
… sending missionaries into the community to live the works of mercy, proclaim the Risen Christ, and invite others to surrender their lives to the Lord.