Assumption College

Leadership & Mission

Catholic Values and Strong Academics

Assumption College, a Catholic institution sponsored by the Augustinians of the Assumption and rooted in the Catholic intellectual tradition, strives to form graduates known for critical intelligence, thoughtful citizenship and compassionate service. We pursue these ambitious goals through a curriculum grounded in the liberal arts and extending to the domain of professional studies. Enlivened by the Catholic affirmation of the harmony of faith and reason, we aim, by the pursuit of the truth, to transform the minds and hearts of students. Assumption favors diversity and ecumenically welcomes all who share its goals.

A message from the President

Choosing a college may be the most important decision you have ever had to consider. You may have already received materials from a number of other institutions, as well as ideas and recommendations from family and friends. 

There are many reasons bright, motivated students choose to attend Assumption. As you explore our Web site, you will find a wealth of information related to our excellent programs and our close-knit community. For now, I would like to share three of the reasons that I mention most often when describing Assumption to prospective students and their families.

Top liberal arts college with strong business and professional programs.

Our students are exposed to an array of disciplines that expand their minds and enhance their critical thinking skills as they consider new ideas, new ways of looking at the world, and new ways of questioning. Faculty members create an academically stimulating environment that challenges students to achieve their full potential as they think through their values and life. At the same time, the skills students learn at Assumption also prepare them for successful and rewarding careers. 

Catholic intellectual tradition, unique among colleges.

In the Assumpionist tradition we encourage intellectual, social and personal growth. We take religion and faith seriously as an integral part of the human experience. We explore questions that get to the deepest desires of the human heart and recognize the role of faith and reason in the search for truth. Our students encounter ideas that have contributed to the formation of a Christian outlook on the world that reflects the type of education envisioned by Fr. Emmanuel d’Alzon, the founder of the Assumptionists. Whatever a student’s faith, we believe that the Assumption experience provides opportunities for personal spiritual growth and the development of a set of values that will encourage students to use their knowledge in service to others. It is an atmosphere that is intellectually challenging, personally rewarding and spiritually fulfilling. 

A place where people look out for one another.

When you choose Assumption, you can count on receiving personal attention from kind, friendly people throughout the community. Faculty, administrators, staff, religious, and students all work together to ensure that everyone here is valued and supported. Assumption is small enough so that people know students as individuals, and large enough for students to find diverse opportunities. Experiences inside and outside the classroom help shape a student’s “personal compass” and encourage intellectual, social, and personal growth.

If these characteristics reflect what you are looking for, I encourage you to explore our site further and learn more about us. I also hope you will consider visiting Assumption’s beautiful campus and meeting some of the people who make our community so special. Thank you for your interest in Assumption.

Warm regards,

Francesco C. Cesareo, Ph.D.