Parish Finance Manager

Full time Accounting Finance Management

Job Description

Parish Finance Manager

Naperville, IL


Position Summary

The parish finance manager is responsible for managing and directing all financial aspects of the parish and school including but not limited to financial reporting and analysis, accounting , payroll, accounts payable, budgeting, internal controls, insurance (working with Catholic Mutual), human resources, and legal matters (working with either the Diocesan in House Attorney or external attorney when assigned). The finance manager is responsible for managing the finances of the parish and school in accordance with the accounting and reporting policies of the Diocese of Joliet, generally accepted accounting principles and when applicable, state, and federal laws and related reporting.

Job Responsibilities

Accounting and Finance

  • Prepares, administers and reviews monthly, and fiscal year end reports of the parish and school for the Pastor, School Principal, Parish Administration Commission, and School Board Finance Committee, and any other pertinent committee.
  • Prepares reporting, analysis, and documentation for presentation and discussion at Parish Administration Commission meetings (eight times per fiscal year).
  • Prepares quarterly reporting and analysis for School Advancement Board Finance Committee related to the three school endowments.
  • Prepares school financial projections and analysis for the Pastor, School Principal, and School Board Finance Committee.
  • Prepares and submits required annual budget and fiscal year end reporting to the Diocese.
  • Reviews and approves bi-weekly payroll preparation for all employees of both the parish and school.
  • Monitors the collection, accounting, recording, and depositing of parish and school revenues from all sources.
  • Administers accounts payable processes and procedures, and reviews disbursement requests, as needed.
  • Provides oversight and management of parish, school, and organization operating bank checking accounts to ensure compliance with Diocesan policies.
  • Works closely with Pastor and Facilities Manager to ensure all financial goals and obligations are met for capital projects and repairs and maintenance for the parish and school.
  • Works with the Pastor and Facilities Manager in reviewing bids for capital projects and negotiating with suppliers and contractors. Reviews all contracts and advises the Pastor regarding contracts.
  • Establishes and maintains the process and procedures to ensure the Pastor approves agreements, contracts, and permits. This includes funding disbursement requests submitted to the Diocese.
  • Monitors and reviews financial procedures and controls within the parish and school.
  • Assists with the execution and planning of financial stewardship initiatives, fundraising events, and long-range planning efforts at the direction of the Pastor. One such event is the annual Light the Way Parish dinner and auction.
  • Serves as a helpful resource to parish organizations in all financial matters from planning to audit.
  • Serves as main parish contact and representative with financial institutions, vendors, contractors, and the Diocese Finance Office and keeps the Pastor informed and updated.
  • Maintains an accurate filing, record keeping and reporting system for all parish and school financial records and reports and ensures compliance with Diocesan record retention policies.
  • Coordinates and prepares parish response to liability and legal concerns in cooperation with the Pastor and the Diocesan In-House Attorney as deemed appropriate.
  • Other accounting and finance related duties as assigned by the Pastor.

Human Resources

  • Administers new hire documentation requirements to ensure compliance with Diocesan human resource policies.
  • Maintains personnel files for each employee to ensure files are complete and current.
  • Coordinates employee Family Medical Leave of Absence (FMLA) with the Diocese Human Resources department.
  • Coordinates employee change in benefits with the Diocese Human Resources department and Christian Brothers Service (administrator of the Pension Plan).
  • Coordinates the annual health insurance enrollment period for eligible employees based on Diocesan guidance.
  • Administers required documentation when an employee leaves the parish or school to ensure compliance with Diocesan human resources policies.
  • Administers the filing of worker comp claims to Catholic Mutual and supports any required follow up for a filed claim.
  • Administers the filing of injury and accident reports for non-employees with Catholic Mutual and supports any required follow up for a filed report.
  • Other human resources and employee benefit related duties as assigned by the Pastor

Position Requirements


  • Bachelor's degree in accounting, with a CPA strongly recommended.
  • Minimum of ten (10) years of progressive experience in accounting with a minimum of five (5) years effective supervisory responsibility.
  • Strong analytical and financial reporting skills.
  • Experience working for a Catholic Church or in a not-for-profit organization is a plus.
  • Microsoft Office expertise in Excel spreadsheets and Word required.
  • Experience with financial accounting and payroll software applications required.
  • Experience with human resources and employee benefit practices, policies, and procedures.
  • Experience with budgets and financial forecasting.


  • Ability to motivate, manage, and mentor finance staff in a participatory manner.
  • Ability to communicate effectively financial matters to all levels within the parish and school.
  • Ability to build effective, collaborative working relationships with the pastor, ministry directors, and all parish and school staff and organization members.


  • Knowledge of best practices for accounting and financial reporting, record keeping, and internal controls.
  • Knowledge of cash flow management.
  • Ability to represent the parish to outside businesses and organizations.
  • Knowledge of fundraising, stewardship of resources, and long-range planning techniques.

Professional and Personal Representation

  • Practicing Catholic who understands and supports the teachings and dogma of the Roman Catholic Church and who acts as an example and serves as role model in their personal life.
  • Has a sense of God's call to this ministry and carries out the ministry in humble service to the parish at the direction of the Pastor.
  • Ability to project a faith filled presence and display a true Christian example of patience, compassion, and understanding.
  • Represents the Pastor at meetings when required, such as attending all Advancement Board meetings.
  • Communicates in a professional, positive, and supportive manner at all levels.
  • Proficiency in relating to and working cooperatively with others.
  • Strong administrative and organizational skills.
  • Expertise in recruiting and managing employees and volunteers.
  • Commitment to continuous personal growth.
  • Proven ability to honor and maintain confidentiality especially in all conversations with the Pastor. The Finance Manager will keep the Pastor apprised of any matters of concern in this regard.

General Requirements

This is an exempt position and requires a working presence in the office of 40 hours a week Monday through Friday. An investment of additional time maybe required after office hours for meetings and special events as an integral component of the position. As an exempt employee, overtime, compensation time, or other non-exempt components are not included as part of this position.


If this sounds like a great opportunity for you and you meet these qualifications, please send me a copy of your resume to and let’s set a good time to discuss. Or click the APPLY NOW below.