Archivist for Congregation

Full time Nonprofit

Job Description

The Archivist administers a fully integrated archives and records management program for the Franciscan Sisters of the Poor, a multicultural and international religious congregation. The Archivist preserves and administers the historic records considered to be of enduring value; develops archival policies and procedures and assists those using the congregational archives. The Archivist manages sensitive and confidential materials relating to legal, financial and administrative functions of congregation and safeguards the confidentiality of information in all aspects of daily duties. The Archivist fosters and implements the mission, values, policies, and procedures of the Franciscan Sisters of the Poor.


  • Bachelor's in Archives or records management with 3 years of experience.
  • Excellent verbal/written communication, organizational skills and presentation skills.
  • Experience with managing digital records, including scanning photographs and documents and basic image editing.
  • Understing of historical and current Catholic tradition.
  • Ability to use discretion and commitment to safeguarding confidential information.

Responsibilites include:

  • Ensure proper preservation of the archival records in a secure, environment.
  • Oversee the selection of materials for digitization, the entire digitization process, and the uploading materials to the Congregational database.
  • Arranges for regular transfer of inactive records to the Archives according to an approved retention schedule. PRovides advice to congregational offices regarding archival records and sets up a a regular program for transfer of records to archives. Develops a process and procedure for retrieval of archival materials from local communities.
  • Oversees the docementation and inventorying of the artifact collection 
  • Engage in planning efforts for the future transition of the archives and work to prepare the collection for its eventual move.
  • Update and maintain the information in the selected database softward to provide an integrated electronic records program.